The Measure of Disorder
For this creation Group LaBolsa joins forces with the Swiss choreographer Thomas Hauert, reinterpreting his choreographic language through their own experience. The Measure of Disorder is a contemporary dance piece created as a dialogue between many voices.A piece that tries to show order from disorder, the group from the individual. A piece which puts on stage an invented organism which reorganises and reinvents itself constantly. Searching for the measure of disorder.
The piece shows the beauty of the disorder as it is in natural processes, whether we understand natural as taking place in biological organisms or developing within social structures. The dramaturgy is based on the concept of a living organism and it plays with the possibilities of a closer or distanced look, zooming in and zooming out to see a body part, an individual or different constellations. Being a collective creation, the work process has been raised horizontally, using all the knowledge and diverse origins of each of its members. This wealth has resulted in an especially long process and a delicious mature fruit.
Direction: Thomas Hauert
Concept & creation: Thomas Hauert & Group LaBolsa
Performed by Group LaBolsa: Cecilia Colacrai, Natalia Jiménez Gallardo, Mireia de Querol, Iris Heitzinger, Xavi Moreno, Federica Porello i Anna Rubirola.
Lighting design: Bert Van Dijck
Costumes: Carme Puigdevall
Photography: Tristán Perez-Martín
Production: Anna Bohigas (Barcelona), Zoo/Thomas Hauert (Brussels)
Coproduction: Grec Festival de Barcelona, Charleroi Danses, Les Brigittines.
With the support of: Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie - Bruxelles – département danse / Wallonie ‐ Bruxelles internationale / Vlaamse Gemeenschapcomissie / Ein Kulturengagement des Lotteriefonds Kanton Solothurn / Prohelvetia – Fondation suisse pour les arts / Generalitat de Catalunya
With the collaboration of: L'Animal a l'Esquena, L’Estruch - Fàbrica de Creació de les Arts en Viu de l’Ajuntament de Sabadell, Fabra i Coats, La Caldera ‐ Arts del Moviment, El Graner.
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Trailer The Measure of Disorder - premiere Festival Grec Barcelona 2015
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Teaser 1 - The Measure of Disorder in process
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Teaser 2 - The Measure of Disorder in process
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Teaser 3 - The Measure of Disorder in process